Abraham expression number - the 4 - summarizes abraham first and abraham last name and accounts for abraham even-tempered and sober appearance as well as for abraham profound wish to realize and build things securely. You seek security and you have this undeniable sense of exertion and perseverance. Abraham number is best symbolized by Saturn and the earth element (this is not the only paradox in abraham personality!) You are resistant, both physically and mentally. And this particular form of resistance is best symbolized by the keystone. You are orderly and methodical and you can keep focused for ages. The thing you have to watch particularly is abraham natural disposition to look for daily grin and to be staid... In short: Avoid conservatism and narrow-mindedness for these are the worst traps you could walk into and you will be fulfilled!
Abraham first name - Abraham lincoln - shaped by number 6, reveals that you definitely are a trustworthy person. You fulfill abraham commitments. Devotion and sharing take an important part in abraham fundamental attributes. You essentially need inner-balance and security. But don't dream... The others seldom resemble you...
The name you have inherited - Lincoln - characterized by number 7, spontaneously evokes industriousness, rationality and lucidity. This most probably explains abraham aptitude to seize the opportunity when it shows up!
Abraham soul urge number - 6 - extracted from the vowels of both abraham first and last names, provides information about the personality, as experienced from the inside, on abraham desire, abraham motivation... As far as you are concerned, you clearly aspire to balance and harmony. You have a deep need for roots and have a sense of family values. Feelings prevail and prompt action. You have a sense of duty and of service, and you are gifted with a taste for art and for beauty in general. Union, marriage or a household are necessary for abraham life and abraham close relatives mean a lot to you. The prevailing trait of abraham personality is the pursuit of affective security and family responsibility.
Abraham inner-self number, the 7, is calculated with the consonants of both abraham first name and abraham last name. It reveals abraham skills on a material and/or professional level. In abraham case, the number shows abraham ability to analyze, diagnose and advise. You need abraham autonomy. You have a sense for research and surveys. Highly specialized sectors are quite recommended for you.
Abraham psychic number, the 12, explains abraham communicative and charming composition. You literally love life and activities with elevated views. Abraham magnetism, abraham good energy and abraham intellectual qualities make you feel naturally attracted to beauty and art... One of abraham strengths lies in abraham communication skills, you can convince anybody, in any social environment. A note of caution, however: you tend to get interested in too many things at the same time and simply can't keep up. Abraham affective relationships can be complicated.
Qualities such as adaptability to changes, curiosity and openness to novelty help you achieve things in life. At least, that's what abraham evolution number (5) says. Abraham 5 also confirms abraham wits, abraham understanding, abraham skills for persuasion, abraham taste for adventures and abraham independence. In the game of life, if you manage to adapt continuously to the context without becoming overwhelmed with anxiety and edginess, and unless this has already happened of course, you are going to reach abraham full potential, freely and extensively, particularly during trips.
Abraham inclusion table:
   Missing numbers: 7.

  • 7: Abraham missing 7 could also translate as "lack of self-confidence". This is the origin of abraham fears, abraham anxiety and pessimism. You often suffer from insulation because you can't always understand the others (and you simply don't always like life). If you haven't started yet, it's now more than ever that you really ought to try and find a way of overcoming abraham problems.

   Prevailing number: 3.

  • 3: Abraham urge to communicate, abraham varied interests, abraham wits, abraham capacity for action enable you to feel in abraham element in any of the following areas: real estate developer, creator, designer, sales&marketing, or any other activity related to communication.

Life cycle: Abraham life path - 5 - based on abraham birth date, provides valuable information about abraham destiny in a theoretical manner, without taking abraham actual context into account. Number 5 can be any path but a beaten path. It’s the path of adventurers. No need to mention it’s full of obstacles! The most important of which is a legendary incapacity to manage abraham personal freedom as well as a tendency not to be able to cope with other people’s opinion, especially when you are being criticized. Depending on how you will deal with these obstacles, abraham life path can either lead you to a brilliant life, intense, spiritual and open-minded or, on the contrary, in the most extreme case, it can lead you to being an unstable nuisance… Abraham life path is definitely not for abraham dear auntie, it leaves you plenty room to maneuver. It’s abraham move!
Abraham life cycle - the 9 - mainly explains abraham openness to the world and abraham need to make abrahamself useful. You have been in abraham third and last cycle, the harvest cycle, since February 12, 1868. After a painful adolescence, in pursuit of a just cause, after a hectic working life made of fantastic encounters and overcommitment, you are now indulging abrahamself into new aspirations... This is the time of abraham great cause for which, if you haven't already, you will fight with brilliance!
Abraham life cycle is made of four major achievements. Since the February 11, 1858, you are experiencing abraham fourth and last achievement, which is quite an important one: the development of abraham ability to collaborate with the others. For someone as independent as you are, this period may well trigger a few sparks. But do not forget that collaboration does not mean dependency nor slavery. Take this with philosophy and try to make the best out of the truly enriching relationships. Discover what it is like to share and you will attain some form of bliss you didn't even expect until now...

Temporal cycles: Numerology considers 9 personal years. Each of which helps evaluating the general trends of the current calendar year. As far as you are concerned, abraham personal year is 9, last digit of the cycle. During this whole year, you set the groundwork of the next cycle of 9 years. You are fixing the next background of abraham existence. It is very important that you do not neglect (or worse: forget!) any existing problem, you would have to pull it along for another 10 years... If you wish to feel a sense of achievement and free to begin a new cycle, you must definitely set everything before next year.
Abraham astrological house (or sector) gives a useful little extra information to abraham personal year. This latter changes at every birthday, whereas the astrological house is valid from January the 1st to December 31st. You are currently in house 4, symbol of roots and home. You will invest more time in abraham home this year (or even move!) and this will drive you to feel more connected to reality.
Abraham personal month, the 4, provides the overall tonality of the current month: Strenuous exertion... Good luck!
Today is abraham personal day 7, an excellent day for self-reevaluation and for reflexion.